Treating Burns with Herbal Way

Among us must have experienced burns in this part of our body and may still made an impression until now. Certainly we feel at the time was hot and would greatly disrupt our activities. Burns are injuries caused by fire or hot objects such as boiling water, cooking oil, electricity exhaust and so on.
Injuries caused by fire or other hot objects very influential to our body, especially the skin. There are four levels of burns where the degree it depends on how deep the burn on our bodies. 
  1. Level I: If burns affect only the outer skin is known as superficial burns.
  2. Level II: If the burns penetrate several layers of skin below,
  3. Level III: If the fuel extends to all layers of the skin.
  4. Level IV: If the burns penetrate into deeper tissues such as muscle or bone.

Here I will share two ways to treat burns with herbs. Two ways can you choose which one is easier do you think:
  • Prepare fresh betel leaves and a little honey. Squeeze out the water until the betel leaf. Then mixing them with honey. Then apply to parts of the body that suffered burns. Perform routine three times a day until the wound is completely healed.
  • Prepare a duck bill leaves. Puree the leaves of the duck bill. Then apply to parts of the body that suffered burns. Perform routine three times a day until healed.

Always be careful if we hold objects that are hot or easily cause a fire so that we remain healthy avoid burns.
Hope it is useful.


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